Monster Hunter Generations: The Time Has Come Again to…Hunt More Monsters!


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I love Monster Hunter. I love it so much that it’s got to be one of my top 5 Nintendo 3DS franchises. I never got to play it on the PS2 and I dabbled a bit with the PSP games, but I really hit my stride with the series on 3DS.

There is just something so satisfying with the game! The hunting, the gathering, the forging! It’s all so good. Yeah ok sure, the gameplay and world rules took a little getting used to but once you learned how everything functions the game is a blast. 

By far, the best part of the game is learning how to best each massive beast the game throws at you. You need to familiarize yourself with each monster’s behaviors and mannerisms so you can effectively take it out or capture it. Oh man, I still need to talk about great crafting system.

Killing or capturing a monster gets you some sweet monster parts (with the latter getting you more) that you can use to craft better weapons and amour. Then with new weapons and armour you can take on even more powerful monsters to get their monster bits to make better weapons and armour and it goes ON AND ON!

Trust me it’s a great series and a new release is just over a week away. Monster Hunter Generations is the 2nd 3DS release for the franchise and the 8th release of the main series here in North America. The game is similar to other releases as it involves you creating a hunter and embarking on hunting and gathering quests either by yourself or with others online. The weapons types are the same as the most recent release Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, but the game now sports it’s new “Hunting Arts” and “Hunting Styles” systems.

The Hunter Arts allows players to unleash devastating attacks from their chosen weapon once it has eventually charged up. All the arts provide different uses like damage, buffs or debuffs, as well as healing.

The second new addition, Hunting Styles, gives the player four different play styles to choose from. There is the Guild Style, which is very similar to the traditional gameplay style of the series; the Striker Style, which has a heavier focus on using your hunter arts and gives the player more opportunities to use them; the Adept Style, that focuses on dodging and hitting back with powerful counterattacks; and finally, the Aerial Style allows the player to deal massive damage in mid-air after jumping off of the terrain or even other players.

Oh! This new release also allows you to play as a feline companion. In Generations, you are able to choose to play as a Palico instead of a human hunter. As a Palico you don’t have a stamina bar and you have a set list of abilities that either damage, buff, debuff, or heal.

Here’s one of the fierce little guys:





If it isn’t obvious yet, I am really excited for this game and for the new Monster Hunter Generations Special Edition 3DS system.

Here’s an awesome picture of it:


monster hunter generations 3ds bundle



The blue one is the North American release and the red is the European release, which also happens to come with the game pre-installed (lucky!) I have my system pre-ordered…I kinda owned almost all versions of this little console so I need this one too…yeah. Welp, there’s my thoughts on this exciting new game from Capcom. I can’t wait to get my hands on it and start hunting some monsters, both new and old alike! I hope I peaked some of your interests in this game, and if I have you should definitely go check it out.

Thanks for reading everyone! You’re great.




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